Wordpress Plugins

[SUCCESS] Eliminate Elementor Image Optimizer Hints in 10 Minutes with This Powerful CSS Solution

Are you tired of being bombarded with hint messages from the Elementor Image Optimizer plugin while trying to focus on your WordPress website design? If so, you’re not alone. Many users have expressed frustration with these intrusive notifications that disrupt their workflow.

Check out the frustrated community posts here:






And here’s their response:

However, there’s good news – you can easily eliminate these hints using a simple solution.

The CSS solution to Elementor Image Optimizer Hints:

function spanrig_remove_elementor_image_optimiser_hint() { ?>
.elementor-control-notice:has(> button.tooltip-target[data-event="image_optimizer_hint"]),
.elementor-control-notice:has(> button.tooltip-target[data-event="image-optimization-once"]),
.elementor-control-notice:has(> button.tooltip-target[data-event="image-optimization"]),
.elementor-control-notice:has(> button.tooltip-target[data-event="image-optimization-once-media-modal"]),
.elementor-control-notice:has(> button.tooltip-target[data-event="image-optimization-media-modal"]) { 
    display: none !important;

<?php }
add_action( 'elementor/editor/before_enqueue_styles', 'spanrig_remove_elementor_image_optimiser_hint' );

This CSS code specifically targets elements related to the Elementor Image Optimizer hints and hides them from view, allowing you to focus on your design tasks without interruption.

Implementing the Solution:

Now that you have the CSS solution at your disposal, let’s walk through the steps to implement it on your WordPress website:

  1. Access Your WordPress Dashboard: Log in to your WordPress dashboard using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to Themes: Once logged in, hover on “Appearance” in the left-hand menu and click on “Theme File Editor”
  3. Access Child Theme: Within the Theme File Editor, locate the “Functions.php” file. This is where you can add the above custom code.
  4. Add the custom Code: Copy the custom code provided above and paste it into the “Functions.php” file. Ensure that you paste it at the bottom.
  5. Save Changes: After adding the custom code, click on the “Update File” button to save your changes and apply the CSS to your beloved editor.
  6. Refresh Your Editor: Once saved, refresh your editor to see the changes take effect. The Elementor Image Optimizer hints should now be eliminated from your interface, allowing you to work without distractions.

Note: This method is not the best but solves the purpose until Elementor releases an ON/OFF toggle for such hints.


With this simple CSS solution, you can take control of your Elementor editing experience and eliminate the distractions caused by Image Optimizer hints. Say goodbye to interruptions and hello to a smoother, more efficient workflow. Empower yourself to focus on what truly matters – creating stunning websites with Elementor.


5 Things to Consider Before Starting or Outsourcing SEO for Your Business

As a business owner, you must consider many elements in order to create a successful online presence. Search engine optimization (SEO) can be a powerful tool to help you reach your desired audience and increase organic traffic to your website.

Before you decide to tackle SEO on your own or outsource it to a professional, there are a few key things you should consider.

Understanding the importance of SEO, setting realistic expectations, evaluating the cost, researching potential partners, and understanding the impact of updates are the five key elements to consider before starting or outsourcing SEO for your business.

With the right approach, you can ensure that your website is optimized for success.

Understand the importance of SEO

If you want to drive more organic traffic to your site, you’re going to need search engine optimization. SEO helps businesses reach more customers by increasing the visibility of their websites in search engine results.

When your site appears higher in the search results, you’ll receive more organic traffic from people who are actively looking for your products or services. A recent study found that more than 90% of internet users rely on search engines to navigate the internet.

When you optimize your website for search engines, you increase your chances of appearing in the top search results, driving more traffic to your website. SEO isn’t a short-term solution for generating more traffic.

Since it can take months to see results, it’s important to understand the effort and patience required to rank well in the search engines. When you optimize your website, you’re helping the search engines understand what your website is about and how it should be categorized.

This makes it easier for the search engines to show your website in the correct search results. The better the search engines understand your website, the higher your website may rank in the search results. The higher your website appears in the search results, the more traffic you’ll receive from organic search.

Set realistic expectations

When you’re considering outsourcing SEO, it’s important to set realistic expectations. SEO is an ongoing strategy that requires maintenance, effort, and time to see results. It may take several months before you start to see an increase in organic traffic to your website.

By outsourcing SEO, you can gain the time and expertise to help your website rank higher in search engines. Setting realistic expectations can help you avoid any frustration if the results aren’t immediate.

Even when you outsource SEO, you’ll still need to create a compelling website. The first step to increasing your website’s search engine ranking is to create a website that ranks well. You can use SEO best practices to create a website that ranks well in search engines.

However, outsourcing SEO doesn’t mean that you can ignore your website. You can help improve your website’s search engine ranking by adding compelling content, improving the user experience, and making sure your website loads quickly.

Evaluate the cost

SEO isn’t a one-time investment; it’s an ongoing strategy that requires time, effort, and maintenance. When you outsource SEO, you’ll have to pay a monthly or annual fee to your search engine optimization provider.

Before you sign a contract, it’s important to understand the services offered, the cost per month or year, and what you’re getting for your money. Before you sign a contract, make sure you know what SEO services you’re paying for. By outsourcing SEO, you can get access to ongoing services that can help you improve your website’s search engine ranking.

Although the upfront cost may be higher, you’ll have access to SEO services on an ongoing basis.

Research potential partners

When you’re outsourcing SEO, it’s important to research potential partners. Start your research by making a list of your desired outcomes from outsourcing SEO.

Make sure that the company you’re considering is a good fit for your business. To find the right company, do some research to narrow down your options. You can start your research by reading reviews and testimonials from other business owners who’ve outsourced the SEO for their website.

You can also reach out to your peers in your industry to find out who they use for SEO. Make sure to do your due diligence to ensure that the company is reputable and has experience in your industry. The company that you choose should be able to provide references and examples of their work.

Understand the impact of updates

As you continue to optimize your website, you’ll want to stay up-to-date on developments in the search engine industry. Google provides an update schedule that outlines when they release new updates and updates to their algorithm.

By staying informed about the latest updates, you can better prepare your website for the changes that come along with them. By outsourcing SEO, you can take advantage of the expertise of search engine optimization specialists who can help you prepare for upcoming changes.

By understanding the importance of SEO, setting realistic expectations, evaluating the cost, researching potential partners, and understanding the impact of updates, you’ll be in a better position to start or outsource SEO for your business. With the right approach, you can optimize your website for success.


When you close the deal with the company that will do your SEO for you, you’ll need to make sure that you know what services they offer and how they’ll help you.

Outsourcing SEO is a great way to save time and money. If you don’t have the time or expertise to do SEO for your business, it can be difficult to see the benefits. However, outsourcing SEO can help you save time and money while creating an optimized website that’s better suited for search engine optimization.

When you outsource SEO, you should choose a company that has experience in your industry and that specializes in SEO. The best SEO companies stand out from the rest because they are committed to providing their clients with outstanding SEO services.



How to Find the Best SEO Services: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

You’ve heard it time and time again: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for businesses to get noticed online. But with an overwhelming number of SEO services available, how do you know what’s best for your business?

The answer is simple: read this comprehensive guide to finding the best SEO services. We’ll walk you through the steps you need to take to identify the right SEO strategy for your business, from understanding the basics of SEO to evaluating potential service providers. With this guide, you’ll be able to confidently choose the SEO services that will take your business to the next level.

What Is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website to make it easier for search engines to find and rank your content. The goal of SEO is to bring more visitors to your site, increase your sales and improve your overall online presence.

When executed correctly, SEO can make a dramatic difference in the amount of traffic your website receives and the number of leads you generate. According to recent surveys, businesses that rank on the first page of Google get approximately 89% more leads per month than businesses that don’t rank on the first page. As you can see, SEO is far from a “nice to have” feature: it’s a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy.

SEO is also a long-term strategy, and you will only start to see benefits once you’ve implemented a strategic SEO plan. You can’t expect to put a few extra keywords on your website and start seeing an increase in traffic right away. SEO is a long-term investment, and you need to be willing to put in the time and effort required to see results.

The Benefits of SEO

There are many benefits to investing in SEO. Let’s take a look at a few of the most important ones:

Increased organic traffic

By optimizing your website you’ll be able to bring more organic traffic to your site; this means that the traffic you receive is coming from a real person searching for what you have to offer, rather than a person clicking on an ad.

Increased brand recognition

A strong brand recognition is essential for any business, and SEO can help you achieve just that. By ranking on the first page of Google for your targeted keywords, you’ll be able to increase your brand recognition, bringing you one step closer to becoming a household name.

 Increased leads and sales

The ultimate goal of any business is to generate leads and sales, and SEO can help you get there. By increasing your brand recognition and getting more people to your website, you’ll be able to generate more leads and close more sales.

Understanding the Different Types of SEO Services

Before you can decide which SEO services are right for your business, you need to understand the different types of SEO services.

In general, there are two types of SEO services: On-Site SEO and Off-Site SEO.

On-Site SEO

On-Site SEO refers to the practices and techniques that you can implement to improve the overall visibility of your website. With On-Site SEO, you’re optimizing your website using various strategies, such as optimizing your content (e.g., writing headlines, creating content outlines etc.), implementing SEO best practices and selecting the right keywords and key phrases.

Off-Site SEO

Off-Site SEO refers to strategies that you can implement off of your website to increase its visibility. With Off-Site SEO, you can build links to your website from other websites, which is known as link building. There are three different types of Off-Site SEO that you can implement, which we’ll discuss in more detail below.

Identifying Your Goals and Objectives

Before you start shopping around for an SEO service provider, it’s essential that you identify your goals and objectives. The goals and objectives you set will determine the type of services you should be looking for.

For example, if your goals are to grow your brand awareness and increase traffic to your site, you’ll want to focus on long-tail keywords. But if you want to rank for high-volume keywords, you’ll want to focus on top-notch content. Once you know what you want to achieve, it’ll be easier to identify the type of services you should be looking for. It’s also important to note that not all SEO service providers are created equal.

Some specialize in top-notch content, while others engineer their efforts towards ranking for high-volume keywords. So, before you start shopping around for an SEO service provider, it’s essential that you know what you want to achieve so you can identify the right services for your business.

Evaluating Potential SEO Service Providers

Once you’ve identified the types of services you’re interested in, you can start evaluating potential SEO service providers. Before you start shopping around, you need to make sure that you have clear goals and objectives in mind.

You also need to make sure that you have a clear budget in mind to avoid any headaches in the future. Once you’ve done this, you can move on to the next section where we’ll discuss the factors you need to consider when choosing an SEO service provider.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an SEO Service Provider

There are a few things you need to look for when choosing an SEO service provider. These include:

Level of experience

This one is a no-brainer: you want to make sure that you choose an SEO service provider that has experience in the industry. While new SEO service providers can be great, they often need time to grow their client base and get familiar with the industry.


References are one of the best ways to gauge a company’s level of experience. If an SEO service provider has a well-established reputation, they will have references. It is important to note that references are not always 100% accurate.


It is also a good idea to make sure that the SEO service provider specializes in the type of services you need. While they may have experience in other fields, it is important to choose an SEO service provider that specializes in the services you need.

Questions to Ask When Interviewing an SEO Service Provider

It’s important to ask the right questions when interviewing potential SEO service providers. Here are some of the key questions you should ask when interviewing an SEO service provider: –

What is your SEO strategy?

Your SEO service provider should have a clear SEO strategy that they can easily explain to you.

How do you measure success?

Your SEO service provider should know how they measure success so that you can easily track your progress.

What are the benefits of working with your company?

You want to make sure that the SEO service provider is not just telling you what you want to hear. Be sure to ask them specific questions and request examples of campaigns they’ve run.

How to Measure the Success of Your SEO Services

Measuring the success of your SEO services can be a bit tricky, but with the right tools you’ll be able to measure your progress in no time. Here are a few ways to measure the success of your SEO services:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free and powerful tool that will help you measure your SEO services. There are a few different ways to measure your SEO services using Google Analytics.

Track keyword rankings

If your SEO services involve ranking for keywords, you can use a tool like SEMrush to track your keyword rankings. This way, you’ll be able to see how often your keywords are searched for and where you rank for them.

Track social media mentions

Social media mentions are another great way to measure the success of your SEO services. There are a few ways to track social media mentions, but manually checking each day can be tedious. That’s why we recommend using a tool like Sprout Social to track mentions and mentions of your brand.

What to Do if You’re Not Satisfied With Your SEO Services

If you aren’t satisfied with your SEO services, don’t hesitate to make a change. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve put together a list of steps you need to take when switching SEO services.

Do your research

Before you switch SEO services, you should do your research. Read reviews, look at their past work, and check out their website. – Contact the company – Once you’ve done your research, contact the company. Ask any questions you may have and let them know you’re considering switching services.

Switch SEO services

If everything checks out and you’re not happy with your current SEO services, switch! Make sure to give them a few weeks before switching so they have time to fix any issues that may arise from the transition.

Bottom line

SEO is the process of optimizing your website to make it easier for search engines to find and rank your content. The goal of SEO is to bring more visitors to your site, increase your sales and improve your overall online presence.

When executed correctly, SEO can make a dramatic difference in the amount of traffic your website receives and the number of leads you generate. According to recent surveys, businesses that rank on the first page of Google get approximately 89% more leads per month than businesses that don’t rank on the first page.

As you can see, SEO is far from a “nice to have” feature: it’s a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy. SEO is also a long-term strategy, and you will only start to see benefits once you’ve implemented a strategic SEO plan. You can’t expect to put a few extra keywords on your website and start seeing an increase in traffic right away.

SEO is a long-term investment, and you need to be willing to put in the time and effort required to see results.


3 Reasons Why You Need SEO Services for Your Business!

If you’re reading this, it means that you’ve already started your new business and are looking to take the next step. Starting a business is not an easy task, but exciting at the same time. 

You will have to research about what is essential for your business, how much time and money do you need to invest in it, which place would be best for your business and so on. 

However, no matter how well-planned or researched your business is, there is still something you need to make it successful – SEO services! Yes, investing in a reliable SEO company can give your business a big boost.

So if you’re wondering why exactly do you need SEO services for your company, here are 3 reasons why:

You need SEO to be found online

First and foremost, what you need from your SEO company is to get your business found online. Once you get your website on top search engine results, then more and more people will be able to find your business. 

The more people know about your company, the more business you will generate. Whether your company is a start-up or an established business, the first step is to get people to know about your business. 

And that can only happen if you have a presence on the internet. But what if you don’t have a website? Well, that’s even worse. 

No one will ever know that you exist! Finding an SEO company that can get your business online is the first step to a successful business. Once you get a higher ranking on search engines, you will start generating leads and sales.

SEO is the key to bring more traffic to your website

The second reason why you need SEO services for your business is to bring more traffic to your website. This can be achieved through search engine optimization. 

There are plenty of ways to generate traffic. However, the best and most effective way is through SEO. When you are on top of search engine results, more people will visit your website and click on your links. More traffic means more sales. 

You will need the traffic to boost your sales if you try to sell products or services online. When you have more sales, you will make more money. 

Moreover, an increase in sales will help you hire more people, expand your business and so on.

SEO is a long-term investment for your business

Website optimization is a long-term investment for your business. Yes, this might sound like a cliché, but it is true. You have to make investments for your business to generate more profit. 

You have to invest in your website, in hiring the right team, and in many other things to make your business successful. One of the ways to make your business flourish is to invest in SEO services. When you buy SEO services, you are not only spending money. You are also hiring experts who can provide your business with the right exposure. 

Good SEO services can increase your website traffic and bring more customers to your business. If you have more customers, then it is only obvious that your sales will increase.

 As your sales increase, you will need to hire more people to serve your customers. This will result in more profits for your company. And if you hire a reputable SEO company, you don’t need to worry about any extra costs. 

SEO services come with maintenance plans and money-back guarantees. As a business owner, you want your company to be successful. And SEO services are one way to make it happen.


SEO is the process of optimizing your website to get a high ranking on the search engine results page. When people search for products and services online, they look for the best results. 

SEO can help businesses rank higher on search engine results and get more customers, which will result in more sales. SEO is a long-term investment for your business because it can help you grow your business, hire more employees and increase your revenue.

Digital Marketing Agency

5 Qualities to Look for When Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

In a fiercely competitive digital world, businesses thrive and survive by keeping their customers’ needs at the forefront of their minds. No matter how much technology advances, people remain a business’s primary focus. 

An effective marketing strategy is essential to achieve desired business goals and objectives. The best marketing strategies are those that are based on thorough market research and are specifically tailored to meet the needs of your target audience. There is no one-size-fits-all formula for hiring an agency, but there are some general criteria to keep in mind when searching for the right fit for your business. 

A good agency will understand your brand identity, sales funnel, and long-term goals. They should also be able to add value in an area where you feel weak or have limited experience. There should be synergy between you and the agency before hiring them as it will ensure a successful partnership moving forward. 

Here are the top 5 qualities you look for before hiring a digital marketing agency:


The best way to determine the skills of an agency is to ask for specific examples of work they have done in the past. Once you have this information, you can assess whether their work is a good fit for you.

 If you are interested in hiring a creative agency, you should ask to see examples of their creative work. If you are looking for an analytics firm, you would want to review their data-driven projects. Checking for relevant experience is important in hiring an agency as it shows you are serious about working with them.

You want to ensure you hire an agency with the specific skills needed to complete the project.

If your project requires a variety of skills, you should look for an agency that has the capacity and experience to handle multiple types of projects.


The best agencies understand the industry they work in and the needs of their clients. You want to work with an agency that is up to date on the latest trends and best practices in your industry. 

An agency that is actively learning and updating their skills has a good chance of being able to solve your problems and add value to your business. 

To determine if an agency has the expertise to meet your needs, you can start by asking what other clients they have worked with. You can also ask how they approach a project and how they solve problems for their clients.

 Expertise is also important when a project goes wrong or is not completed on time. You want to work with an agency that knows how to solve problems and has a system for dealing with issues that arise.

Culture Fit

The best agencies are more than just skilled individuals that work together. They understand the value of collaboration and creating a culture that promotes trust, transparency, and growth

The best agencies have a healthy balance of structure and creativity. They have set processes that have been proven to work, while also providing room for creativity. You should look for an agency where you feel comfortable, where you can voice your concerns, and where there is a general feeling of trust and transparency.

If you are hiring an agency remotely, you should look for a team that has a collaborative culture, with good communication, that is backed up by some type of communication tool, like Slack. 

You want to work with an agency that feels like an extension of your team and can provide the support your business needs to succeed.


A good agency keeps its clients informed about their progress and any challenges they might be facing. This shows a level of transparency that is essential in a good agency. 

You want to work with an agency that is transparent about the problems they are facing, as well as their solutions. This shows a level of accountability that is necessary for any partnership

An agency that is transparent about its people, process, and tools, is showing that they trust their clients and want to see them succeed.

Turnover at the Agency

You want to work with an agency that has low turnover, especially in HR and project management roles. This can indicate that the agency is a good place to work and that the people there enjoy working together. 

If an agency has a high turnover, it could indicate a number of issues, including an unreasonable work environment, low pay, and other quality-of-life issues. 

If you notice high turnover in key roles at an agency, you should ask why. This can help you determine if the agency is a good fit for you overall and if it is a place you want to invest in for the long term.

A Track Record of Success

A good agency should be able to show you examples of their past work. You should be able to see the type of projects they have worked on, the level of success they’ve had, and the type of clients they work with. 

This will help you determine if an agency is a fit for your project. If you are hiring a creative agency, it is a good idea to look for examples of work that are similar to what you are hoping to achieve for your project. 

If you are hiring a analytics firm, you should review some of their past data-driven projects. You can also ask the agency to provide you with references of past clients that you can contact.

Bottom line

The best agencies are those that can help you achieve your goals by bringing together the right mix of expertise, culture, and transparency.

They should be able to provide the support and guidance your organization needs to succeed, while also building a long-term partnership that adds value to your business.

When choosing an agency, keep these qualities in mind and use them to help you decide which agency is the best fit for your business.

Digital Marketing Agency

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Agency For You

Digital marketing is a fast-paced industry where businesses must keep up with constant change and innovation to stay ahead of the game. As such, many businesses find it difficult to keep on top of their digital marketing activities and often outsource this work to a digital marketing agency.

But with so many agencies out there, how do you know which one is right for you?

This ultimate guide will walk you through the process of choosing the right digital marketing agency for your business. 

Remember, not all agencies are created equal. Each has its own unique set of services and specialties, so it’s important that you choose one that meets your needs. With this in mind let’s get started…

What to look for in a digital marketing agency

Choosing the right digital marketing agency is an important task, as you don’t want to end up working with a company that doesn’t fit your needs. To make sure you choose the right agency, you’ll want to first determine what you’re looking for in an agency. 

Digital marketing agencies fall into two camps – generalists and specialists. Generalist agencies can provide you with a wide range of digital marketing services, while specialist agencies are experts in a single area.

Digital Marketing Agency Checklist

When you’ve narrowed down your list of potential agencies, you’ll want to make sure you choose the one that is the best fit for your business. To do this, you’ll need to consider a number of factors, including: –

  • What type of business are you? 
  • What is your marketing budget? 
  • What is your timeline for the project? 
  • What is your end goal? 
  • What are your pain points or problems you’re trying to solve? 
  • What are your unique challenges or opportunities? 

By taking these factors into account and factoring in your own needs and priorities, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about which agency is right for you.

4 factors to consider when hiring a digital marketing agency

When you’ve narrowed down your list of agencies, it’s time to make your final selections. To make sure you choose the right agency for you, you’ll want to consider a few things. These include: –


Since digital marketing is a fast-paced, ever-changing field, it’s important to choose an agency that stays on top of industry trends and changes. An agency that has been around for a while and has a track record of success is a good sign they are invested in keeping up with industry trends and changes. 


You’ll also want to look for an agency that specializes in the type of work you need to be done. For example, if you want to focus on content marketing, it wouldn’t make sense to choose an agency that specializes in paid ads. 

Profit margins

You also want to consider the profit margins each agency is working with. If one agency is charging you $5,000 for a specific project and another is charging $10,000 for the same project, you want to know why there’s such a large discrepancy. 


Last but not least, communication is key when hiring a digital marketing agency. A good agency will be transparent and easy to communicate with throughout the project. And remember, it’s okay if you don’t choose the first agency you come across. Take the time to find the right agency for you and your business. You’ll be glad you did.

2 Key Steps When Choosing a Digital Marketing Agency

Step 1 – Clearly define your goals and desired outcomes 

The first step when choosing a digital marketing agency is to clearly define your goals and desired outcomes.

What are you trying to achieve? What results are you trying to see? What are your pain points or problems you’re trying to solve? By knowing your goals, you have a clear path to follow when selecting agencies. 

Step 2 – Compare your top agencies 

Once you know what you’re looking for, it’s time to compare your top agencies. You can do this by setting up meetings or calling each agency and going through the process of discovery. 

During this conversation, make sure to ask each agency the following questions: What’s their process? What work do they do? How much do they charge? What kind of results have they delivered in the past? What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses? How many clients do they work with at a time? 

By going through this process, you’ll be able to determine which agency is the best fit for you and your business.

How to find the right digital marketing agency for you

Now that you’ve narrowed down your list of agencies, it’s time to bring them on board. To make sure you choose the right agency for you, you’ll want to follow these steps. 

Define your needs and expectations 

Before you start looking for agencies, it’s important to define your needs and expectations. What type of service do you need? What is your budget? Once you’ve put these details in writing, it’ll be easier to start the process of finding agencies. 

Set up a meeting or call 

Next, set up a meeting or call with each agency. During this conversation, make sure to ask the following questions: What’s their process? What work do they do? How much do they charge? What kind of results have they delivered in the past? What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses? How many clients do they work with at a time? This will help you determine which agency is best for you. 

Remember, not all agencies are created equal. Each has their own unique set of services and specialties, so it’s important that you choose one that meets your needs. With this in mind, you’ll be able to find the right agency for you.

Bottom line

Choosing the right digital marketing agency is an important task, as you don’t want to end up working with a company that doesn’t fit your needs. 

To make sure you choose the right agency, you’ll want to first determine what you’re looking for in an agency. Once you’ve narrowed down your list, you’ll want to make sure each agency meets your needs by comparing them against a checklist of factors. 

Once you’ve found the right agency for you, you can start working with them to help grow your business.

Digital Marketing Agency

10 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

Do you feel like your small business is falling behind your competitors in the digital marketing world? 

It’s not uncommon to feel this way. Digital marketing can be an extremely challenging field for businesses of any size. 

Fortunately, there are many digital marketing agencies that can help lift your marketing efforts to the next level. 

Read on to learn why you should hire a digital marketing agency to grow your business and stand out from the competition. If you’re reading this, most likely you’re looking for ways to improve your company’s online presence and visibility in order to generate more leads and sales.

Working with a digital marketing agency will give you access to experts who know how to use cutting-edge tools and techniques to increase brand awareness, drive relevant traffic to your website, and convert potential customers into loyal advocates.

1. You Have Too Much On Your Plate

If you’re running a small business, you have your hands full with many different tasks. You’re probably wearing multiple hats as the owner, marketer, manager, salesperson, etc.

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to do everything well. 

Trying to do too much at once usually results in doing everything poorly. You might be tempted to say, “I can do digital marketing myself.” 

But in reality, marketing requires knowledge you might not have. It requires constant tinkering, testing, and analysis. If you’re a solopreneur or a small team of marketing employees, you simply don’t have the bandwidth to make all the necessary changes that digital marketing requires. You might be able to create a few blog posts, craft some social media content, and publish a few newsletters. 

But it’s nearly impossible to track your company’s progress, measure the effectiveness of your content, and make changes as needed.

2. You Don’t Feel Like a Marketing Expert

Marketing is an art and a science. It requires creativity, strategy, and an understanding of your industry. If you feel like you lack the knowledge needed to create a successful marketing strategy, it’s going to show in your efforts. 

Hiring a digital marketing agency will give you access to experts who have honed their marketing skills over time. They have the experience and expertise needed to create a winning marketing strategy. You might question: “Can’t I just hire a creative agency to help me with my marketing?” While creative agencies can certainly help with marketing, they’re not experts when it comes to marketing specifically. 

Marketing is much more than just a pretty logo and catchy tagline. It requires attention to detail, constant tweaking, and research. If you want to create a successful marketing campaign, you need to understand the science behind marketing. 

You need to know how to plan your content, how to distribute it, and how to measure its effectiveness.

3. You Lack Expertise in One (or More) Areas

It’s important to recognize that marketing is a multifaceted discipline. 

There are many different elements that all play an important role in driving your business forward: If one or more of these areas is lacking in your marketing efforts, you’re going to have a tough time reaching your marketing goals. 

There are many different tools and strategies used in digital marketing. You might be able to implement one or two of them on your own. But trying to do everything on your own is a recipe for frustration. It’s nearly impossible to be an expert in every marketing discipline.

And even if you were an expert, you wouldn’t have the time to implement everything effectively.

4. You Don’t Have the Right Tools

Marketing is constantly evolving. New tools are being created all the time to help marketers reach their audiences more effectively and efficiently. If you’re not keeping up with the latest marketing tools, you’re not going to get the most out of your marketing efforts. 

You’re also going to spend a lot of time and effort trying to use tools that don’t fit your needs. You don’t have time to test out every new tool that comes out. You’re probably busy enough figuring out how to use the tools that are currently available. 

If you’re trying to build a brand on a tight budget, you’ll most likely be using free or inexpensive tools. Unfortunately, free tools are often out of date. They lack many of the features that are needed for effective digital marketing.

5. Marketing Is Constantly Changing

Marketing is an ever-evolving field. New trends and strategies emerge every year. The best marketing tactics used today might be completely obsolete a few years from now. 

If you’re trying to keep up with all the latest trends, it can be exhausting. You’re constantly trying to keep up with the latest developments in your industry. 

You’re trying to figure out how to implement the latest marketing trends in your business. You might be able to keep up with a few changes at a time. But if you’re trying to keep up with every trend, tool, and strategy that’s out there, you’re going to have a tough time keeping your marketing efforts focused.

6. There Are Too Many Choices to Make

In the marketing world, there are seemingly endless choices to be made. Every day, you have to make dozens of important decisions that impact your marketing efforts. 

You have to decide what content to publish, where to publish it, when to publish it, and how to publish it. You have to decide how to measure the success of your content. You probably don’t have the time to analyze every choice you have to make. You don’t have the time to research every method of content distribution.

 You don’t have the time to mull over the best way to measure your content’s success.

7. It Feels Like Too Much Work

Marketing can feel like a full-time job. You have to research your industry, create compelling content, and find ways to distribute your content. 

You have to analyze the success of your efforts and make changes when needed. You have to make all these decisions every day. It’s a lot of work and it can be exhausting. You’re probably already spending a lot of time and energy on your marketing efforts. 

Adding more marketing tasks to your daily to-do list isn’t going to help you achieve your marketing goals. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work needed to succeed in digital marketing, it may be time to hire a digital marketing agency. 

Hiring an agency takes some of the weight off your shoulders and allows you to focus on what really matters: growing your business.

8. The Competition Is Only Getting Tougher

Competition has always been part of business, but today’s digital landscape is particularly competitive. For every potential customer out there, there are many companies vying for their attention. 

It’s possible to create a strong online presence on your own. You can create valuable content, publish it on the right platforms, and promote it in the right places. But it’s incredibly hard to stand out from the crowd. 

You need to be constantly tweaking and testing your content to make sure it’s reaching the right people. You need to be measuring your content’s success and making adjustments as needed. You need to learn what’s working and what isn’t. 

You need to constantly be thinking of new ways to promote your content.

9. Small Businesses Struggle With Staying Visible

As we’ve already discussed, competition is high in the digital marketing world. But even if you have a great product or service, and you’re putting in the work to promote yourself, it can be incredibly difficult to make yourself visible online. 

There are millions of websites out there. Your potential customers are likely seeing dozens of websites every day. They are likely clicking on the sites that are easiest to find. 

They are clicking on the sites that are most relevant to them. You have to be everywhere your potential customers are. 

You have to be where they spend their time. If you’re not getting the right amount of attention online, you’re missing out.

10. You Don’t Know What To Measure

Marketing agencies can provide you with a wealth of data and insights about your campaigns. This level of transparency is immensely valuable, as it allows you to see which aspects of your campaigns are working well and which need improvement. With this information, you can make the necessary changes to improve your overall results.

You can also use data to identify new target markets and create more effective campaigns. By continually collecting data, your marketing agency can help you to create more successful campaigns in the future.


While it might be tempting to think that you can do all the marketing yourself, it’s not possible. 

You might have an incredible story to share, but if you don’t know how to pitch it effectively, it’ll fall flat on its face. 

Or you might have a killer new idea, but if you can’t explain it in a way that’ll inspire people to make a purchase, it’ll go nowhere. 

Or you might have a killer new website, but if you can’t make it easy to visit, it’ll fall flat on its face. 

It can be tempting to feel overwhelmed by all the steps and choices that need to be made when marketing your business online.

But don’t underestimate the power of hiring a digital marketing agency.


How to Create Successful Product Pages for Your Ecommerce Site and Increase Conversions

When you think of e-commerce, it’s likely that your mind first jumps to the product. After all, products are what give shoppers the opportunity to buy something they like and need. With that being said, you might assume that product pages are fairly unimportant when it comes to e-commerce.

However, understand that effective product pages are a significant part of online shopping. In fact, studies show that 47% of online shoppers leave a site if they can’t find the information they need within 3 seconds.

With this in mind, it’s clear that product pages should be an important focus for your store. In this blog post, we’ll be talking about how you can create successful product pages for your e-commerce site and increase conversions. Keep reading to learn more!

What is a Product Page?

A product page is a page on your online store that contains all of the information about a particular product. Product pages are designed to provide visitors with everything they need to know about a particular item, including its features, benefits, pricing, quality, and shipping information.

Product pages are particularly important for e-commerce sites, as the information contained within these pages is what drives customers to buy. As such, product pages should be designed with significant care, as poor product descriptions can cause buyers to walk away from your store. 

While the specific elements of a product page will vary from site to site, the general components will be the same across the board. These elements include the product title, product description, product information (i.e. size, colour, materials, etc.), product images, and customer reviews.

Why Are Product Pages Important for Ecommerce?

Product pages are crucial for e-commerce sites as they provide customers with the information they need to make informed buying decisions. Moreover, product pages can improve your overall sales by increasing your conversion rate. This can be achieved through a number of different means.

In order to truly succeed with your e-commerce store, you must understand what customers want from your product pages. This includes the features, benefits, and prices of the items for sale, shipping information, and customer reviews.

 You may think that the importance of product pages is obvious, but many sellers forget about the importance of these assets. With that being said, it’s important to understand what customers want from your product pages in order to make improvements.

Before You Create Your Product Pages

Before you create your product pages, you should have a clear understanding of your target audience. In other words, you need to know who you’re selling to and what they want. Once you understand your target audience, you can adjust your product pages accordingly. 

In fact, it’s a good idea to write out a product page outline. This will make it easier to create effective product pages. Next, you need to take some time to understand your competitors. This is because you can learn a lot from other sellers. After all, you can use their product pages to your advantage.

For example, you can examine how your competitors are using product titles and descriptions to persuade customers to buy their products. This can help you get a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t work for e-commerce product pages.

Define the Goal of a Good Product Page

It’s important to define the goal of a good product page before you begin writing. Doing so can help you structure your product page in a way that meets the needs of your customers. While each product page will vary, there are three main goals you can focus on when creating your product pages. With all of this in mind, here are some examples of ways to define a goal for a good product page: – 

  • Offer a clear overview of the product – If you want to sell an item, you must provide a detailed overview of the product. This includes everything from the item’s features to the benefits it offers to the pricing. – 
  • Provide clear and accurate pictures – All pictures must be clear and accurate. No product pictures should be distorted or misleading. – 
  • Give customers the opportunity to ask questions – The e-commerce shopping experience should be interactive and engaging. To do this, you must provide customers with the opportunity to ask questions.

3 Key Elements to a Successful Ecommerce Product Page

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of product pages, it’s time to discuss what makes a great product page. In order to create successful product pages for your e-commerce store, you must follow three key elements. 

These three elements include: – 

  1. Product titles – Product titles are what people see first in your listing, so they better be good. They should contain keywords that are relevant to the product, such as the brand name, item type, and other identifiers. A good product title should be short and sweet, but also informative.
  2.  Product descriptions – Product descriptions are the next thing that people see when they visit your listing. They should be extremely comprehensive and detailed. In fact, you should aim to write at least 250 words in your product description. 
  3.  Product images – Product images are arguably the most important part of the product page. They help customers visualize what they’re buying and make a buying decision based on the photos alone. With that being said, product images must be high-quality and clear.


Product pages are crucial for e-commerce sites as they provide customers with the information they need to make informed buying decisions. Moreover, product pages can improve your overall sales by increasing your conversion rate. This can be achieved through a number of different means. 

In order to truly succeed with your e-commerce store, you must understand what customers want from your product pages. This includes the features, benefits, and prices of the items for sale, shipping information, and customer reviews. With this in mind, it’s important to create effective product pages for your e-commerce site.


Wordpress Plugins Tools

Best Amazing Features and Tips of Microsoft Clarity

Microsoft Clarity is an essential product for a lot of reasons. However, for most businesses, it boils down to one question: how can I get the most out of it? For this reason, we have put together some basic instructions and tips to use the tool and get the best value out of it.

What is Microsoft Clarity?

Microsoft Clarity is an analytics tool that allows you to understand how users interact with your website. It is a way to get more insight into what your customers are thinking, doing, and feeling on your website.

You can use it to see how many people visit your website, what they do when they’re there and why they leave. You can also use it to see if people find the content they’re looking for or if they’re getting confused by anything on the site.

You can also use Microsoft Clarity to see which pages are getting the most traffic and where traffic is coming from. It will help you prioritize what’s working and what isn’t. You can also see how long users are spending time on your site and where they’re clicking. You can ensure they are finding what they need efficiently.

Microsoft Clarity’s rich features and tips for leveraging them

Here are the various striking aspects of Microsoft Clarity and how you can leverage them for the best results for your business.

  • Advanced user insights

Microsoft Clarity’s dashboard displays several advanced insights that help you understand your users better. These include session metrics, traffic sources, and charts. The data helps you know how users are interacting with your site and what they do when they get frustrated.

The most essential type of insight is the session metric. Session metrics tell you how long users spend on your site and the number of sessions per day. You can use this information to determine if your site is too slow or if other issues are causing users to leave quickly.

Another type of insight is the traffic source. This tells you where people are coming from when they visit your site. It is critical to know what areas of your website your visitors frequent so that you can better target them with ads or content that appeals to their interests.

  • Nuanced filters and custom tags

Microsoft Clarity offers advanced filters that allow you to search through fine-tuned criteria like the cursor movements of a mouse. You also get the option of custom tags that help you in several ways. You can use custom tags to:

  • Get user-specific heatmaps and session recordings.
  • Get conversion information related to purchases or form submissions.
  • Track user activity, including the pages they view.
  • Frustration metrics

Frustration can occur when users struggle to complete a task, accomplish a goal, or remain confused about how your website works. When you do not address this issue in time, it will lead to several people abandoning your website. Microsoft Clarity helps you identify frustration metrics like:

  • Rage clicks
  • Dead clicks
  • Excessive scrolling
  • Quick backs
  • Session heatmaps

The heatmap feature of Microsoft Clarity allows you to understand how your users interact with your website. It offers a visually rich layout, including warm colors that show popular sections of your website. The cooler colors indicate the less popular areas, which you can work on improving. Here are the following heatmaps offered by Microsoft Clarity:

  • Click heatmaps
  • Scroll heatmaps
  • Tap heatmaps

Helpful tips to use Microsoft Clarity’s

Here are some tips to help you use Microsoft Clarity better.

  • Setting up Microsoft Clarity

Sign in to Microsoft Clarity and visit the “Projects” page. You can add a new project by entering the details of your existing website. Microsoft Clarity supports all websites irrespective of their traffic volume.

When you add a new project, you will receive a tracking code by getting redirected to the Setup page. You need to copy and paste the code into the head section of your website. You can also use the Google Tag Manager template or Clarity’s WordPress plugin. If you have multiple third-party platforms, you will get related assistance from Clarity.

  • Fine-tuning Microsoft Clarity

Microsoft Clarity is simple to use and you can get started with it in no time. It also offers several other beneficial features that help protect your website and its data. Let’s look at them.

  • Protecting website data

Microsoft Clarity offers three masking modes to ensure the tool does not capture the sensitive text of your website. Strict masking offers complete protection. The next option is balanced that masks only sensitive text. It includes email addresses, numbers, and other input fields.

The relaxed option does not mask any text on your website. Besides these masking modes, you also get the choice to mask images. However, it is essential to know that Clarity is not suitable for websites with sensitive data that includes financial and medical information.

  • Preventing tracking certain users

You can use the IP blocking feature to prevent tracking a specific set of users. For example, you may not want to track users that are a part of your team. The dashboard will not display the traffic generated by your team.

  • Using clarity with Google Analytics

You may think that Microsoft Clarity and Google Analytics have several similarities and are competitors. However, both serve different purposes to complement each other. Google Analytics allows you to measure the performance of your website’s traffic and e-commerce.

Clarity also helps you track related metrics and understand user behavior. It is best to use both platforms in unison. For example, you can use Google Analytics to identify the pages that are not performing as expected.

You can then use Clarity to look at user sessions and understand the related flaws. Clarity allows you to get a seamless view of session playbacks that help you improve your website’s performance.

Using Microsoft Clarity to improve website SEO

If you want to improve your website’s SEO and performance, Microsoft Clarity is the tool for you. You can identify the most and least popular pages on your website. This information will help you develop more effective SEO strategies and make changes to your website that will improve user engagement.

You can also use Microsoft Clarity to identify which pages are attracting too much traffic, or not enough traffic. That way, you can optimize your content and design so that people are finding what they need more quickly.

Bottom line

Microsoft Clarity has several features that you would want in an analytics tool, and it’s easy to set up as well. It also gives insights into what’s working and what isn’t on your website. If you are looking to improve traffic and generate sales, Clarity is a tool that you should use. Once you start using Clarity, you’ll wonder how you could ever do without it.

If you are looking for assistance to set up and use Clarity for your business, we can help. Contact us today to know more details on how we can help you make the most of Microsoft Clarity.

CRM Integration

7 Best CRMs To Use While Running Facebook Lead Ads

Do you know? Approximately 98% of the Facebook customer base scroll their account on mobile devices? The platform introduced an intuitive business advertising tool, called Facebook Lead Ads, to utilize this opportunity.

FB leads are information pieces related to a user’s preferences and behavior on the platform. It is pretty easy to download but requires a tedious process, which is why handling them gets a bit tricky. If you approach users after days of their interaction with the ads on Facebook, they might have already lost interest. Hence, this is where CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software comes in handy.

CRM works pretty efficiently as it arranges the FB leads in the minimum time possible to serve your business. It will become a cakewalk for you to manage & react quickly to the interests of your leads. Below are the seven best CRMs that you should consider.

1. Salesforce

Salesforce is a popular and reliable choice across businesses of all scales to integrate their FB leads. Its CRM system helps you in every domain, including e-commerce, marketing, financial setup, sales, and service. Salesforce has been serving its customers for 20 years now and handles approx. 150 thousand businesses today.

You can skip the coding FB leads integration with Salesforce by employing Leadsbridge or similar tools. Overall, the process becomes simple with CRM, where you get the relevant FB leads. Moreover, it enables you to sync and categorize their target users and conversions. You can readily market, sell, and provide service with a single view of information on customer interactions.

Let us talk about Pricing. Salesforce allows you to subscribe to their services with the following plan variants, billed annually. You can also get their free trials to get the hang of its features and process handling.

  • Essentials – 25 USD per month per user
  • Professional – 75 USD per month per user.
  • Enterprise – 150 USD per month per user.
  • Unlimited – 300 USD per month per user.

2. Hubspot

HubSpot is another excellent feature-packed CRM that has been designed specifically for finding and converting leads. It aids in amassing and organizing the FB leads for you, helping you follow up in the conversion time frame. The relevancy plays a fundamental role which it takes care of pretty efficiently with its various software. You can readily track, manage, and build a relationship with your leads and persist in the same.

Moreover, HubSpot lets you integrate over 200 apps to enhance the functionality quotient. It enables you to send bulk emails to possible leads without cost and create a personalized experience. Whenever a customer opts for the services, you can receive the notification to send a Welcoming follow-up. It can be automated with the integration of HubSpot with FB Leads Ads campaign and properly syncing them.


Here are the prices for the HubSpot subscription categories, which are possible if you pay them annually.

  • Starter” plan would cost 45 USD per month. (Or 50 USD per month if paid monthly)
  • Professional” plan would cost 450 USD per month. (Or 500 USD per month if paid monthly)
  • Enterprise plan would cost 1200 USD per month.

3. Zoho

It is another heavy-hitter with a systematic integration feature to follow the leads and monitor social activities. What is unique? First, the provided tools with this Zoho CRM platform let you manage the FB leads with a proper communication channel. Second, its free package empowers the users with all the necessary functionalities needed for successful conversions.

Zoho’s capability to manage and track the leads with its Facebook Ads managing tools saves you some extra steps. With monitoring methods and discerning what is working & what is not – you can steer your impactful steps in the right direction. The comprehensive dashboard shows you every social media activity in one place. Moreover, its sales automation feature embedded in this CRM works with FB integration, making the process quick and fruitful.

One can readily work for the best interests of their customers by interaction tools and methods that suit best. Phone, Email, Live Chat, Social-media, Web conferencing, Self-service are some reliable communication options you get. The reports regarding real-time sales also help you make informed future follow-up decisions.


It also has a free plan which makes you familiar with its handy features and management tools. Zoho CRM has the following monthly prices if you subscribe to and pay them every year (billed annually).

  • Free” edition would cost nothing. (0.00 USD per month) It allows up to 3 users for no cost and works well for home businesses.
  • Standard” edition costs 800 INR per month per user.
  • Professional” edition costs 1400 INR per month per user.
  • Enterprise” edition costs 2400 INR per month per user.
  • Ultimate” edition costs 2600 INR per month per user.

4. Agile CRM

Knowing your customer applies here as well as Agile CRM enables you to accumulate the essential social media activity information of your leads. You will get to know about their interests beforehand and contact them with personalized emails & notifications. Consequently, it will enhance the lead conversion rate while reinforcing the contact records.

Besides, Agile tracks the information, including brand mentions, key influencers, and trends, to automate the marketing process. Agile CRM features a strong mobile tool, generating essential leads in no time. Hence, you can follow up with a more effective approach. You can readily customize deal tracking, data categories, crucial follow-ups to ensure re-approach whenever necessary.


It has a free plan as well, which can support up to 10 users. Here are the pricing categories if paid annually.

  • Starter – 9.99 USD per user/month
  • Regular – 39.99 USD per user/month
  • Enterprise – 64.99 USD per user/month

5. Freshsales

Freshsales (formerly Freshworks ) is an intuitive CRM that features a unique tool that provides Facebook insights. It can link you directly with the messenger, which gives all the information regarding Facebook engagements. Precisely stating, you can know your leads better, enhancing the chances of reliable conversions. The AI-integrated tool gives you scoring reports about leads allowing you to automate the updating process for tasks at hand.

Here is the list of some essential features.

  • Comprehensive Mobile app integration
  • Unlimited users
  • Stores and Manages leads, conversions, and deals
  • Calling feature within the CRM
  • Administer chatbots for your website
  • Schedule and Organize Email marketing events, and many more


Here are the plans billed annually to choose from.

  • Free – 0.00 INR
  • Growth – 999 INR per user/month
  • Pro – 2799 INR per user/month
  • Enterprise – 4999 INR per user/month

6. Microsoft Dynamics 365

It is an all-inclusive solution that provides actionable insights into your sales, customer, and marketing requirements. Dynamics 365 helps your business flourish with thorough reports and data, providing a better opportunity for converting FB leads. The real-time insights on proper integration with the Facebook Leads Ads campaign become a solid pro-marketing strategy.

Moreover, it offers AI integration within its platform that eases tracking and managing tasks. You can customize and categorize the leads as per the relevance to take the actions with preference order. The flexible deployment capabilities and architecture empower you to customize the individual business requirements.

It is evident that Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM comes integrated with other Microsoft tools, like Excel, Outlook, etc., which offers a huge advantage.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 comes with a range of plans and add-ons. We have enlisted the Customer Engagement (Base Licence) pricing here.

  • Sales Enterprise – 95 USD per user/month
  • Sales Professional – 65 USD per user/month
  • Customer Service Enterprise – 95 USD per user/month
  • Customer Service Professional – 50 USD per user/month

7.  Vtiger CRM

The Vtiger CRM system empowers the customers to align the FB ads data and recognize potential leads. It helps shape the sales, marketing, and customer support domain with efficient unified customer data. You can integrate this CRM platform with the FB Lead Ads campaign to receive and manage the data in its quickest.

It solves the underlying mismanagement of lost deals and churning customers with its interconnected and organized approach. Your business teams get on the same page with the available data and actions taken in real-time. It has an excellent feature to create the ads campaign on Facebook. Further, it automatically captures the data from the campaigns to optimize it for follow-ups. It allows you to chat within CRM on FB messenger and create a deal from the webchat.


You can avail of their services with their range of plans. The prices mentioned are as per the annually billing.

  • One Professional Plan
  • “Standard” plan would cost 2100 INR per user/month
  • “Single App” integration would cost 1400 INR per user/month
  • One Enterprise Plan
  • “Standard” Plan would cost 2940 INR per user/month
  • “Single App” integration would cost 2100 INR per user/month

They bill these plans every year, but you can also turn to the monthly billing that slightly increases the cost.

Steps to integrate a CRM with Facebook lead ads form

Here are a few steps you need to follow to integrate your CRM with lead ads.

  • Visit your Facebook page
  • Check the Publishing Tools section at the top and click it.
  • Click Leads Setup.
  • Enter the CRM name in the search box to find if it’s available for integration. A blue connect button shows that the CRM is available.
  • Click on the blue button to start the integration process.

Final Thoughts

Always subscribe to a feature-packed CRM system that eases the marketing and sales process. Follow the specific instructions in accordance with to software to connect the FB leads ads campaigns to it. The above seven CRMs are the best in the market. Choose the one that’s pertinent to your business requirements.

Check out the list of available CRMs here on this link. Even if your CRM doesn’t feature in this list, we will still help you integrate it with our customized solutions. Our charges are USD 999 for a custom integration and support to help you run FB leads. Contact us today to know more details about our services.



Steps To Create E-Commerce Website Using Shopify

Thinking of setting up your online business? Well! Shopify got you covered with diversified services on one platform. Selling online is now a cakewalk for even small business owners with the employment of the Shopify platform. You can readily give way to your game-changing idea that recently struck your mind. All you need to do is to grasp the potential of Shopify and understand its effective functioning method.

This article will fill you in with essential information about the Shopify platform. Moreover, we will provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide to build an effective eCommerce website.


Build Ecommerce in 3 steps using shopify

What is Shopify?

It is a constructive software working as per SaaS (Software as a Service) model, that comes with a reasonable cost. It helps merchants &business owners to amplify or initiate their sales process via product/service specific websites.

How much does it cost?

It offers its subscription to the customers via five plans catering to the specific requirements of every merchant. The prices mentioned below are as of February 2022.

  1. Shopify Lite – The plan costs you around 9 USD per month.
  2. Shopify Basic – It will cost you 29USD on monthly basis.
  3. Shopify Plan – This plan is most popular among customers, available at 79USD per month.
  4. Shopify Advanced – It will cost you 299USD per month, ideal for established businesses with voluminous sales.
  5. Shopify Plus – It’s a flexible plan for the enterprise-grade processes that start with 2000USD per month. It might vary with the volume of sales included in your business.

Shopify Pricing plan


With this wide-ranged pricing to serve every Lite to Plus need, the plans are worth the money. Their reasonable prices will find you more value on a long-term basis. You get the simplistic User Interface to set up the account and add products for selling. The time you save while building your online store can be utilized for other productive tasks.

How to sign up for Shopify?

Let us walk through the process of signing up for the Shopify platform.

Step-1: Go to the official Website of Shopify.

Step-2: Tap on the “Start” and click the “Start your Business” button. It will ask you for some related information.


Shopify pricing plan


Step-3: Fill in the Email and tap “Start Free Trial”. The next Shopify screen will ask you to create a password. (You can always upgrade the plan when the sign-up is complete.)

Step-4: Feed the details about your business, like sales planning, revenue, etc.

Shopify Details Form

Step-5: On completing, you can click on the next, and it will ask you about the business whereabouts. Fill in the owner’s name, business address, Phone No., etc.

Shopiy asking business address

All the information is used to manage the currency and taxes while keeping you informed about any future complications.

Managing the Online Store

Add or update the Shopify Products

After the proper sign-up process, you will land on your admin page for the website. You can add the products here by clicking on the “Add a Product” button. This page will allow you to fill in the details, picture, description, title, vendor, etc. Then save the product details. Keep the title and descriptions of the products crisp and catchy, which should conform with the displayed pictures.

Add or update the Shopify Products

Make sure to upload high-quality images with “alt text” wherever possible. The product appearance is what compels the viewers to become your customers.

You can arrange the groups of products or categorize them as per the needs. For example, clothing stores categorize as the Men, Women, and Children sections. The more you keep product inventory organized, the more customers you earn.

Visual Appearance of Website

The significant thing to have in your mind is “That looks better, Sells better”. Apply the same to your online store where the appearance of your website matters. It provides the options to modify the subtle changes, including colors of Line, Navigation link, text, Heading text, background, etc.

Click on the “Customize Theme” button to make visual changes that would prove to be the catalyst in lead conversions. Make the site comfortable by making modifications in the look with the following options.

  • Logos
  • Color Schemes
  • Fonts
  • Carousel Slides
  • The “Related Items” tab

Design shopify online store

You get the pre-planned free themes which is an extra perk for those who don’t want to spend time on the customization process. Furthermore, the available premium themes are more appealing and tactically designed for specific requirements. It would be wise to have an X-factor for your website and pay a little extra for getting those detailed themes.

Moreover, the Shopify Experts community provides the help of professionals who specifically manage the themes, email marketing, descriptions, etc.

Set Up the Domain with Shopify

The setting up of the domain system makes your website live and official for online searches. Click on the “Add a Domain” button. You have to choose between the domain transfer or register a new one. Then, pick the necessary options and purchase the desired domain. Otherwise, Shopify allows adding the already purchased domain to Shopify by updating the DNS records.

Set Up the Domain with Shopify

Payments Activation

For the activation, simply click on the Payments tab listed to the left of Dashboard. Select the preferred payment processors from the list and walk through the steps to complete the registration. Make an informed decision while choosing the gateway, considering transaction fees and supported card types.

Shopify Payments Activation

Click on the “Launch Website” button, after completing all the above necessary steps. It will successfully make your online store live and commence your online venture. You need to be more wary and thorough after the launch. Effective online marketing and promotion of your site will be the next objective.

Here are some points of how you can reinforce your marketing strategies.

  • Create web pages on your site for Content & Blogs. Here create relevant blogs and lure the audience for better lead conversions. Shopify offers the provision of built-in Blog software, which can considerably benefit the sales.
  • Email Marketing
  • Create Social Media Accounts with apt business Information and Products descriptions.
  • Advertise on the various sites, utilize Google Ads.

Looking for an easier option than Shopify?

While Shopify is a popular option to create your e-commerce website, there are other cheaper and reliable choices as well. A digital marketing agency can help you do the same at a much lesser cost along with advanced domain knowledge. When you create a website on your own, you may miss out on several aspects that a domain expert can help you with.

Spanrig is a leading digital marketing agency that can help you create an e-commerce website with advanced stability and performance. Contact us today to know more details about our services.

Forms Wordpress Plugins

How to Create Hassle Free Contact Forms for WordPress with WPForms Plugin  

A contact form is one of the vital aspects of a website as your visitors can easily enquire about your products and services. If you are looking to add a contact form to your WordPress website, it should not be that difficult. In this article, we show you how you can use the WPForms plugin to create a contact form.

Let’s see how to create a free contact form for your WordPress site using the WP Forms plugin.

This plugin allows you to create multiple forms like survey forms, signup forms, email subscription forms, and more for your website. Some of the features of this plugin are:


  • Available both as free and paid versions.
  • With simple drag and drop options, it makes the page user-friendly to create the forms according to the user’s requirements.
  • The builder is highly responsive with a variety of templates that help in creating complex forms easily.
  • Can get integrated with multiple payment gateways like Stripe, Paypal, etc.
  • Offers conditional logic that helps in the creation of complex forms.
  • It is spam-protected that protects your website.


Step 1- To use the WP Form plugin, visit and find the plugin you need in the search box. And search for WP form. Alternatively, if you are on the WordPress dashboard, you can go to the Plugins > Add New page and search for WP Forms Lite.


Step 2– Install and activate the selected WP Form plugin. A lot of people know that this plugin is used to create contact forms, but you can also use this plugin to create more content. There are multiple options available like complaints forms, bug tracking forms, support card forms, IT service request forms, and more.

WP Form plugin

WP Form plugin


Step 3- Go to Dashboard and then to All Forms. Here, you will see all the templates that are created, and when you click on the Add New Contact form, you will see a list of blank templates where you can select one to create the form from the scratch. Select “Simple Contact Form.”

WP Form plugin



Step 4– Upon selection, it imports an already-created blank contact. Now, rearrange the fields according to your requirements using simple drag and drop options. You can also add new fields by choosing from the options present on the left-hand side of the page (for example, checkboxes, drop-down lists, etc.). You can also add in advanced options like CSS class, choosing font size, etc. After designing the form, you can choose the email ID to send the notification from the notification area present under the options. The Confirm tab saves a message and the same message will be sent later as part of the confirmation to the email id mentioned.

WP Form plugin


Step 5- After creating the contact form, go to the WordPress site, select the options page  and from the dashboard, create a new one. Publish the page after creating it. Once the page is published, add the block by entering the shortcode as shown below.

WP Form plugin


WP Form plugin



Step 6- After entering the shortcode, you can go to the display page to see the created contact form. The sample has been shown below

WP Form plugin


If you have the pro version of the plugin, you get extra features such as multiple sites, client management features, word press multisite support, geolocation, etc.


I hope this helps in the creation of the contact form using the WP forms. For any doubts and clarifications, you can post your queries in the comment section below.


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